

信息来源:学院办公室   点击次数:  发布时间:2017-12-12

一、报告题       一、报告题目:Characterizations of product Hardy spaces associated to Schr\"odinger operators

二、报告人:  赵凯教授
三、时 间:   20171215日下午13:30---14:3  

四、地 点:   闻理园A4-305  

五、报告摘要:In this talk, firstly, we recall the product Hardy spaces, and the atomic decompositions of some multi-parameter product Hardy spaces. Then, the Hardy spaces associated to operators are mentioned. Finally, the main content, by using different maximal functions and Littlewood-Paley function on distinct variables, some characterizations for functions in the product Hardy space associated to Schr\"odinger operators are established.

附报告人简介:   凯,男,1960年生,教授,理学博士,硕士生导师。青岛大学特聘教授;山东省教学名师;省级精品课程和省重点建设基础课程负责人;青岛市数学会副理事长、秘书长。2011年到美国做高级访问学者6个月。主持了省部级以上自然科学基金。



