一、主 题:A Gentle Introduction to the Kaczmarz Algorithm
二、主讲人:Eric Weber
三、时 间:2018年7月20日,下午:15:00-16:00(周五)
四、地 点:闻理园A4-305室
摘要: The Kaczmarz algorithm is an iterative method for solving systems of linear equations that was introduced by Stefan Kaczmarz in 1937. The algorithm is now enjoying a resurgence in interest, as it has been found useful in data science applications. It also has remarkably deep connections to complex and harmonic analysis. We shall introduce the algorithm, demonstrate some of its features, and present some of its applications in an elementary manner--i.e. requiring only some linear algebra. Towards the end of the talk, we shall outline these deep connections to complex and harmonic analysis.
附个人简介:Eric Weber, 男,爱荷华州立大学教授,主要从事应用调和分析再生核理论等方面的研究。 迄今为止,在国际上有影响的刊物发表论文10余篇。