
【和山数学论坛197期】美国北科罗拉多大学Anton Dzhamay 教授学术报告

信息来源:学院办公室   点击次数:  发布时间:2019-10-09

一、题目:Geometry of Discrete Integrable Systems

二、主讲人:Anton Dzhamay 教授

三、时间:2019年10月10日(周四),下 14:30-15:30



Many interesting examples of discrete integrable systems can be studied from the geometric point of view. In this talk we will consider two classes of examples of such system: autonomous (QRT maps) and non-autonomous (discrete Painlevé equations). We introduce some geometric tools to study such systems, such as the blowup procedure to construct algebraic surfaces on which the mappings are regularized, linearization of the mapping on the Picard lattice of the surface and, for discrete Painlevé equations, the decomposition of the Picard lattice into complementary pairs of the surface and symmetry sub-lattices and construction of a binational representation of affine Weyl symmetry groups that gives a complete algebraic description of our non-linear dynamic.


Anton Dzhamay is a professor at the University of North Colorado. He is a Graduate Faculty and Graduate Program Coordinator of School of Mathematical Sciences, College of Natural and Health Sciences. His main research interests are Continuous and discrete integrable systems, geometry of discrete integrable systems, Painlev and isomonodromic deformations, WDVV equations and Frobenius manifolds, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics. Professor Anton Dzhamay is currently Fellow of American Mathematical Society, Fellow of Society for Industry and Applied Mathematics, and Fellow of Mathematical Association of America.


加拿大28 /大数据学院

