

信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2024-10-25

一、报告题目:The generalized hand-eye calibration equation and its application

二、报告人:王卿文 教授

三、时 间:20241026() 9:00—10:00

四、地 点:闻理园A4-305

报告摘要: In the field of robotics research, a crucial applied problem is the hand-eye calibration issue, which involves solving the matrix equation AX = YB. However, this matrix equation is merely a specific case of the generalized Sylvester-type dual quaternion matrix equation AX-YB=C, which also holds significant applications in system and control theory. Therefore, we in this talk establish the solvability conditions of this generalized Sylvester-type dual quaternion matrix equation and provide a general expression for its solutions when it is solvable.  As an example of applications, we design a scheme for color image encryption and decryption based on the generalized Sylvester-type dual quaternion matrix equation. From the experiment, it can be observed that the decrypted images are almost identical to the original images. Therefore, the encryption and decryption scheme designed using this dual quaternion matrix equation is highly feasible.


主要研究矩阵代数、线性和多重线性代数、量子计算。在高等教育出版社等出版学术著作6部,在AutomaticSIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 著名学术期刊上发表SCI收录的学术论文180多篇;主持国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点基金项目等20多项;连续10次入选中国高被引学者、2022全球顶级科学家(数学)、全球前2%顶级终身影响力科学家(1960-2024)。曾在美国等国家和地区的20多所著名高校访问和科学合作研究。主持首批国家级一流本科课程“线性代数”、上海市级一流本科课程“数学探索与发现”,入选“首批上海高校示范性本科课堂”。已培养博士后14名、博士30、硕士59名。

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