
【物理格致论坛第122期】King Abdullah University of Science & Technology甘巧强教授学术报告

信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2024-08-13

一、报告题目:表面彩虹结构中的光与物质相互作用及其应用/ Enhanced light matter interaction over a surface "rainbow"

二、报告人:甘巧强 教授

三、时 间:2024822日(周四)上午10:00-11:30

四、地 点:闻理园 A4-216

报告摘要:Trapped rainbow storage of light这个概念于2007年首次提出,在过去约15年时间里取得了很多有趣的光学研究成果。 在这个报告中将分享一下在过去15年时间里“彩虹”俘获这个领域的研究进展,并且介绍我的课题组在基础物理和实际应用角度所作的一些尝试,特别包括片上生物医疗诊断和深度学习的小型化光谱仪。

In this talk, I will introduce the general principle of rainbow trapping effect based on Metamaterials and plasmonics platforms, and its applications in enhanced light-matter interaction.

报告人简介:Dr. Qiaoqiang Gan is a Full Professor in the Material Science Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology. He received his PhD degree from Lehigh University in 2010. He is the Fellow of Optica (formally OSA) and Fellow of SPIE. He is the recipient of Exceptional Young Investigator of University at Buffalo (2016) and SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activities (2019). He is the founder of Sunny Clean Water LLC (2016), a high-tech start-up company working on solar water purification technologies. His research publications include over 100 technical papers and 4 patents, with the total citation of over 7000 and H-index of 42. He serves as the editor in chief for IEEE JSTQE, associate editor for IEEE Photonics Journal, J. of Photonics for Energy (SPIE), PhotoniX (Springer), and sub-committee chair of S&I9 Photonics Integration (CLEO 2019-2020), Program Chair of S&I program CLEO 2021 and will serve as the General Chair of S&I program CLEO 2023. He organized a special symposium, Biomedical Sensors in Service of Society, for AAAS annual meeting 2018. He also served as a guest editor of special issues of Journal of Photonics for Energy (SPIE) on “Hot carrier generation” in 2016; Chinese Optics Letters (OSA) on “Metasurface” in 2018. His research activities on optical sensing and energy sustainability have been widely featured by Science, Nature, Nature Middle East, Nature Photonics, Nature Sustainability, BBC, Mirror, Salon, etc.
