

信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2022-12-12

【廿周年院庆学术报告55 · 【和山数学论坛第353期】


一、报告题目:Nodal domain theorems of signed hypergraphs

二、报告人: 侯耀平 教授

三、时 间:2022年1218日(周日) 上午 10:00-11:00

四、腾讯会议号:646-269-801 密码 123456

报告摘要:An signed hypergraph is a hypergraph where each edge with a sign +1 or -1. In 2019, Jost and Mulas generalized the normalized combinatorial Laplace operator of graphs to signed hypergraphs. In this talk, we talk about the nodal domain theorems for the normalized combinatorial Laplace operator in signed hypergraphs, give upper bounds for the number of strong (weak) nodal domains and a lower bound for the number of strong nodal domains.

