

信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2022-01-16

题目Electrical networks, local transformations and spanning trees

主讲人:集美大学  晏卫根 教授

时间:2022118() 14:00~15:00

腾讯会议:353 478 866(会议密码:654321


The computation of two-point resistances in electrical networks is a classical problem in electric circuit theory which is related to the enumeration of spanning trees of graphs. It is well known that the mesh-star transformation plays an important role in the electrical networks. In this talk, we will first introduce some of known results on electrical networks and enumeration of spanning trees of graphs in the content of combinatorics, and then we present the so-called CMG-BS transformation in resistance and in spanning tree versions. Using this local transformation, we obtain some results on the resistance distances and spanning trees. This is joint work with Sujing Cheng and Wuxian Chen.


个人简介:晏卫根,集美大学教授,博士生导师。20037月获厦门大学理学博士学位,200410月至200612月在“中央”研究院(台湾)从事博士后研究工作。主要从事组合与图论及其在统计物理中的应用方面的研究工作,在Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. AJournal of Graph TheoryAdvances in Applied MathematicsTheoretical Computer Science等国际期刊上发表学术论文60多篇,合作完成的项目“图的匹配理论与图能量的研究”获福建省2008年度科学技术奖一等奖。已获4项国家自然科学基金面上项目的支持。
